Dust collector
A vacuum cleaner is a common cleaning tool in modern households that combines cleaning and vacuuming functions. The power part of the vacuum cleaner mainly includes the vacuum cleaner motor and the brushless motor controller. The fan impeller of the vacuum cleaner is driven by an electric motor at high speed, which quickly exhausts the air in the impeller from the fan, while continuously replenishing the air in the suction part into the fan. In combination with a dust brush, the dust and dirt are sucked into the chamber. The power of portable vacuum cleaners is generally below 250W.
The Super Trench MOSFET series products can achieve high-frequency switching (low Rg), low conduction loss (optimal Rdson performance), and low switching loss (excellent switching characteristics), combined with advanced packaging technology, to improve the system efficiency and power density of MOSFET devices in the power conversion process, while ensuring impact resistance during switching in harsh environments, achieving fast, smooth, and efficient power management and motor control.